An online event will take place presenting important information about the resettlement of Afghan refugees in communities across the United States. This webinar will provide those involved with the resettlement of Afghans information that will assist them in their efforts as volunteers and advocates. With education, and understanding, those who have been become involved in the Afghan evacuation can continue this important mission as advocates and volunteers in the Afghan resettlement process.
Monday, January 31, 2022, 8pm to 9pm ET
Webinar Topics:
- History of refugee resettlement in the United States
- Basic definitions and terms
- Community Engagement
- Veteran Outreach and Engagement
Webinar Presenters:
- Chris Purdy (Evacuate our Allies)
- Chris George (Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services – IRIS)
- Jennifer Friedel (Lutheran Social Services of the National Capitol Area)
- Eric Coulson (Lutheran Social Services of the National Capitol Area)
- Amy Robertson (Hearts and Homes for Refugees)
Resettlement 101 Webinar Sign Up
This is the first in a series of webinars that will be presented on the Afghan resettlement process. It is brought to you by member organizations of the #AfghanEvac and Evacuate Our Allies coalitions.