Topics: News about Afghanistan, relocation, immigration, resettlement, humanitarian crisis, commentary, books, podcasts, events, and more.
Subscribe to the Afghan Report Newsletter. Arrives in your email inbox about four times a month providing periodic updates on significant events in Afghanistan. Forward to your friends! Did we miss an important story? Send us a link (staff@afghanwarnews.info) and we will put it in our newsletter. Got a story to tell? We accept guest articles.

The Afghanistan – Brazil – US Route – A Dangerous Journey. Some Afghans have been able to get a humanitarian visa for Brazil. However, many of them then opt to reach the U.S. southern border. The trek is long, difficult, and extremely dangerous. Human traffickers, crime gangs, drug cartels, and corrupt police and officials are endured the entire trip. “Nobody Wants To Come This Way”, Reuters, February 1, 2023.
U.S. House Letter to Sec Blinken. The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives has sent a letter to the Department of State Secretary Antony Blinken with requests. The committee is continuing to investigate the Biden Administration’s ‘catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan’. Past requests for documents have gone unanswered. Read the letter here, January 12, 2023, PDF, 10 pages.
Corruption – Still a Problem. Previous Afghan governments over the past two decades were extremely corrupt. Over the past decade Afghanistan has been continuously ranked by Transparency Interational among the 10 most corrupt governments in the world. In 2011, Afghanistan was ranked as the 180th most corrupt nation, beaten by only Somalia and North Korea. In 2021 it ranked at 174. As of 2023 Afghanistan is now at 150; so, on one front at least, something is getting a little better in Afghanistan. “Can the Taliban Tackle Corruption in Afghanistan?”, Voice of America, January 31, 2023.
HA, the Taliban, and Women. When the Taliban directed that women could no longer work for international humanitarian agencies many of the NGOs ceased operations. Some, like Rescue.org, have partially resumed their activities. Read a press release by Rescue.org, February 1, 2023.
Books about Afghanistan
Photo: A Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota Sailor assists evacuees from Afghanistan with retrieving their luggage after arriving at Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota Aug. 27, 2021. NAVSTA Rota is currently supporting the Department of State mission to facilitate the safe departure and relocation of U.S. citizens, Special Immigration Visa recipients, and vulnerable populations from Afghanistan. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class John Owen)